Medical assistance of events in Moldova

Assisting the events, where a large number of people are expected to be present, involves being around a team of the Emergency Medical Assistance Service. This is one of the main security measures taken in the course of such an event. Usually, these events are: rallies, concerts, sports competitions, corporate, weddings, memorial tables, funerals, etc. In a word, the organization of any manifestations can be accompanied by various unpredictable situations with increased risk of injury, stressful situations, sunstroke, excessive alcohol consumption, etc. and requires the presence of a medical team of professionals directly at their place of deployment. For a responsible organizer at the forefront must be the security of the participants, not the saving of resources. That’s why CallMed Emergency Medical Service offers you high quality services 24/24 at affordable prices. The assistance of the CallMed Ambulance will be decisive in ensuring the safety of life and health of the participants in the event. Medical assistance at sports events is a vital thing to ensure safety as the number of those present is quite large. CallMed private ambulance service – also offers medical support for corporate events, parties, etc.

The medical assistance of the events is requested by calling the telephone number 14112 or 0 (22) 276587.